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We are Yasmin & Tim, wedding photographers from Frankfurt am Main. Since 2013 we are married and share our passion for photography and the beautiful moments in life. We have made this passion our profession to hold on to your most beautiful day forever. Many emotions, unique moments and beautiful places are united in wedding photography and make our hearts beat faster.


Let's write your story together...

Hochzeitsfotografen Bad Vilbel
Hochzeitsfotograf Frankfurt

What customers think about us:

"Our great day got an unforgettable event through the pictures of Yasmin&Tim. We are more than happy."

Sonja & Oliver 

"Our most wonderful day was captured in wonderful and unique pictures. We and our guests are completely excited of that lovingly pictures taken by Yasmin & Tim. We felt super comfortable and that can be seen in our pictures. Thanks for the lasting memories. Wasn't surely the last time before your lens."

Franziska & Sebastian

Hochzeitsfotograf Bad Nauheim
Hochzeitsfotograf Frankfurt

"We were and still are excited of your work a half year later. From the first contact, the accompaniment on the wedding-day till the final pictures. Everything was perfect and absolutely  recommendable. We couldn't have take a better decision. Thank you so much."

Nora & Hauke



Things we love to do? Laughing, delicious food, experiencing nature, enjoying time with our little daughter Amélie, making plans, journeys and of course taking pictures everywhere. Also architecture and design have a huge impact  on our everyday life. 

Our dream is to be regularly on journeys to travel the world and especially visit places we never have seen before.


Your wedding is a little journey into your world for us. Since weddings are no "standard-partys" anymore today, wedding-photos, or even reports, become more and more important when not to say essential. Every bridal couple creates its own wedding in a very special and unique way and mood according to its wishes and dreams. Wether vintage-, beach-, mountain-weddings or rocking alternatives in a castle. We accompany you on your special journey on your wedding-day.


At the same time we won't be only service-providers but more another nice component of your story. Advisers, tranquillity base, friends or simply contact persons. Therefore we get to know each other during a little meeting (or Skype) long before your wedding and talk together about details of your wedding-day. Another wonderful opportunity is our couple- or engagement-shooting directly after the meeting. During that time we get to know each other even more and you get a glimpse of our way taking pictures. A very nice side-effect for wonderful and natural pictures on your wedding-day: You lose first inhibitions and feel more comfortable before the camera.


Since 2016 we are a part of the Candi-Community (Carmen and Ingo Photography) and are regularly taking part on further education, workshops etc. So we are perfectly prepared for your wedding-day and are always up to date.


With pleasure we accompany your wedding not only in the area of Frankfurt a.M., Bad Homburg, Marburg, Bad Nauheim, Hanau, Wiesbaden or Aschaffenburg. We are also available for destination-weddings wherever you decide to give your "Yes, I will." Maybe in Mallorca, Tuscany, France or Ibiza...we'll be there with you!

We are featured by:

© 2020 Yasmin&Tim Photography - Hochzeitsfotografen

Trier - Rheinland Pfalz

Sankt Wendel - Saarbrücken - Saarland

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